TCC Daily: Daily Prompt: Origin Story


Today’s topic is called Daily Prompt: Origin Story. via The Daily Post. The question is:

Why did you start your blog? Is that still why you blog, or has your site gone in a different direction than you’d planned?

This blog was only supposed to be about World of Warcraft, as you can tell this as changed. I wanted to make a few blogs from WordPress but I realized that I can only handle one blog. What is the point of making 3-4 blogs just to post one post once in awhile.

So when I decided to just stick with this blog I wanted to blog about pretty much everything. But mostly Tech and World of Warcraft. Some could say that they are two different topics and they shouldn’t really be together but I find that i can write about them and connect them.

Well this is my blog and its here to stay. I love making this content for you guys/gals and I hope you enjoy the stay here at “The Creative Craft”.