Turning 10 Years Old. Congratz The Creative Craft

As of today this blog turns 10 years old. I can’t believe I have been writing on and off for the past 10 years. I know that this blog as been not the more up to date piece of the internet I have but I like to call it home for my thoughts about World of Warcraft and any gaming I do in general. I would like to take this time to thank everyone that is still around and reading. I would love to keep this blog going for another 10 years. I just hope that it will be more active then what I have been doing so far. To the next 10 years!

Been Streamin’

So I have been streaming over at twitch.tv/themythicaloak and I have been having a lot of fun lately. This is something new that I have been into for a little bit. I have been pumping up my production as of late. I still don’t have a face cam but I will in the future. As for right now I have been just getting used to streaming for a long time at a time. I’m used to taking a lot of breaks when gaming. It’s something that I have been doing to help with the mental part of gaming all weekend. without having issues.

There is a point where I need to take breaks but I need to keep going on stream that seems like the hardest part of gaming when streaming. People don’t tell you that part when they tell you all about streaming.

Anyways I have been wanting to keep going and I just wanted to update everyone on things that are happening over at thecreativecraft.