Reading back my old posts

I just wanted to give a little update on my night, tonight I was reading some of my old posts that I wrote when I first started this blog and it’s bringing back so many memories that I have had locked away. I would have never unlocked them if I wasn’t reading them.

I’m finding that ever since I started this blog more than 10 years ago there was a goal. The goal to record and share my experiences in the game and anything around gaming that I was doing. This has not changed. I grew up into a world that has changed. The internet can be a dangerous place and I have been wanting to share more about my journey but I want to keep safe so this has been hard to start back up and do this thing again this has been the best blog I have made on the internet and I want to keep it going. I would love to have more people check it out and maybe share what they have experienced in gaming. I would love to hear about it.

I want to just let everyone know that I’m trying and I will keep going on this blog. I will be updating on the lore master soon. I hope to start levelling and getting some lore master done this weekend. (Feb 3 2024)

Having Gaming Everyone!

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