TCC Daily: Daily Prompt: Origin Story


Today’s topic is called Daily Prompt: Origin Story. via The Daily Post. The question is:

Why did you start your blog? Is that still why you blog, or has your site gone in a different direction than you’d planned?

This blog was only supposed to be about World of Warcraft, as you can tell this as changed. I wanted to make a few blogs from WordPress but I realized that I can only handle one blog. What is the point of making 3-4 blogs just to post one post once in awhile.

So when I decided to just stick with this blog I wanted to blog about pretty much everything. But mostly Tech and World of Warcraft. Some could say that they are two different topics and they shouldn’t really be together but I find that i can write about them and connect them.

Well this is my blog and its here to stay. I love making this content for you guys/gals and I hope you enjoy the stay here at “The Creative Craft”.

TCC Daily: Daily Prompt: Smell You Later


Today’s Topic is from the Daily Prompt: Smell You Later. via The Daily Post.

Humans have very strong scent memory. Tell us about a smell that transports you.

When I read this it quickly reminded me a scent that I wanted to share with the web. The cold morning smell reminds me of walking to school on the first day of school. one of the memories that are not fun but I like the smell. I remember the first day of high school. You know the rumors that all the grade 12’s will beat you up. Well this never happened. A lot of people say that to just make you afraid of going to high school. Well don’ believe it. High school is probably the best. So that is what smell transports me.

What Transports you?

TCC Daily: Introduction


Well This is the first ever TCC Daily. I love having new content on my favorite websites daily so I decided that I could do a Daily topic that can be about, well pretty much anything. What I mean by that is, There are a number of topics that are at The Daily Post. I wish to use the topics that they have, well not all of them. The TCC Daily is not about World of Warcraft, this is going to be in it’s own category. I will be doing my regular posting but this is something that I find it fun to do a daily post. I will start with today’s post last on today. But it will be today.

I find something interesting on the internet when surfing and then I make it into a topic for you to read. If you have anything that I could make into a daily topic then you can write a comment or email me using the contact forum on the “About” page.