My Thoughts on Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar

First I would like to get you to watch the Trailer if you have not already. My thoughts will make more sense if you watch the video below.


The feeling I had for this was that I didn’t respect the Horde much anymore. I quickly went to the Alliance and because of that I have never been happier. Before you start thinking that Horde is the best and if you are Alliance then "You Suck". I started with the Alliance and I don’t think I can ever be happy on the Horde. That’s just me.

Well what I have to say is that I wonder what the King of SW is going to say about what Hellscream has been doing, better yet I wonder what Thrall has to say about this.

The best part that I have found is going to be the raid but I don’t really raid that much. So the big change that I been looking at is the "The Timeless Isle", I have been waiting for something like this. I love questing and this will make me want to play my paladin again. What are you looking forward in the up coming patch?
