Working on Loremaster Achievement

Well the last few months I have been working on getting the Loremaster achievement done for my main hunter. I think it’s going to take quite a while before I can get everything finished. But I have been working on it when I don’t find anything else to do in the game. I have a few things like that I love to do like transmog runs to fill out the collection. I think I love doing that so much because I’m a collector at heart with no space in my right life to collect so the next best thing is doing it virtually. that way I can have the satisfaction of collecting without the space constraints.

I managed to get the outlands achievement done a few months ago. I’m proud of the achievement.

It’s something that I wanted to get done for a while. I never seen to get it done on one character as I have always wanted to move to another class when I have the time to play. So for that I have committed myself to only work on Loremaster with my main hunter for the rest of the progression through it.

I’m loving the fact but I can work on this when I want to at my own pace. There will be a point where I have done everything and that day will be pretty exciting but also I’m dreading the day that I don’t have floor master to work on when I don’t have anything else to do during the low content drought between expansions.

With everything that is going on I want to keep working on getting the loremaster achievement. I’m hoping to get it done in 2024 as this is one of my goals. I have been streaming on so I’m looking forward to more of a year of streaming.